Learn To Do By Doing…

It seems impossible to surf the internet without being bombarded with ads popping up that promote real estate “training”. What starts off as a free information session quickly escalates into a high pressure sales pitch for training seminars costing tens of thousands of dollars.
Some people will be motivated by a genuine thirst for knowledge and desire to get started with real estate investing. Some people will be seduced by the promise of easy money and ridiculous profits.
These are the people who are targeted by the shills offering such high priced “training”. It doesn’t take long for the eager students to become disillusioned as they max out credit cards and lines of credit to pay for the overpriced “training”.
I’ve always believed that learning through hands on involvement is more effective than learning through sitting in a seminar room listening to lectures.
This is especially true when it comes to real estate investing. If you’ve got $20,000 should you dedicate it to a “training” course or does it make more sense to take that amount and actually purchase an investment property that will immediately start generating positive cash flow and building equity?
Real estate investing isn’t rocket science. There’s no secret formula to try and decipher and there’s no need to try and reinvent the wheel. In all honesty, it’s really pretty simple: make sure the property is in a good location and has positive cash flow each month. Then sit back and let the tenants pay down the mortgage.
That’s it. Not quite as complex and complicated as the “training” courses costing tens of thousands of dollars would have you believe. Granted, there’s always going to be situations that arise and questions that come up along the way. But that’s why our team is there to support you before, during and after your real estate investment.
We’re there to help guide you towards building wealth through real estate investing. No high pressure sale pitch, and no expensive “training” programs. So if you’re serious about building a real estate portfolio, let’s get started!!
Gary Hibbert