2 Properties in 1 year | Todd & Kerri

My wife Kerri and I had purchased and sold (what a mistake) an investment property ourselves a few years ago, with only the help of a realtor. When we ran into tenant issues, we had no one to turn to so decided it was best to sell. That property would likely be nearly mortgage free and cash flowing like crazy now…but, that was the knowledge we had then.
Fast forward a few years, and this realtor Gary Hibbert comes into my orbit, referred to me by another client, to help Gary with producing his podcast. I met him at his studio, ensured everything is set up, then start producing the podcast weekly. As part of my ‘job’ as podcast producer, I listen to each episode for mistakes and errors, but I’m not always caught up in the content. With Real Talk With Gary, I was…
Each week Gary shared many great ideas and had rock star guests that PROVED real estate investing worked! No, it wasn’t a ‘set it and forget it’ way of making capital, but he also talked about this great team he’d assembled to help investors through the rough waters, if and when they happened.
I started bugging my wife weekly to listen, since she’s not a podcast fan I’d summarize what I’d heard, enough that she too got interested in getting back into the investment game, this time supported by a great team. Gary and Darlene even met with us together, to discuss the fears of ‘good debt/bad debt’ that Gary and Darlene went through themselves years ago.
We got our 1st property in 2021, and had tenant issues, but with the help of Gary, the legal team and the property management team, we stayed calm and got through the crisis. We couldn’t have done it alone.
We’ve closed on property #2, again with Gary’s help and BM Select, and some great JV partners who are as excited as us about working together to provide more great housing for great tenants.
Thank you Gary, Darlene and the whole SHC team, where would we be without you?