Who Likes Bricks, Lumber and Drywall?

Wow!! just got back from Vegas and what a blast!! The casino’s, structures and the amount of real estate that they’ve jammed into the middle of the desert is phenomenal.
The break was definitely needed, however….. Back to reality and back to work.
Since I’ve been gone there’s been some great progress for a number of our investors 4 to be exact!!! Their homes are just about to be filled and they’ve got some excited….. actually, ecstatic tenants that are ready to start a new chapter in their lives!! Honestly, this is such a great feeling for not only the investors and the tenants (future home owners) but for all of us at SHC as well. I’ll keep you posted on each of these stories in the coming weeks.
Question #1…………
What do you love to do?
Now before you read the next line….. pause and really think about that question.
Question #2……..
What is Smart Home Choice selling to you?
If you said real estate, you’re about 15% right….. or maybe even less. What we’re really selling you is a………
Let’s be realistic, who likes bricks, lumber, drywall, nails, shingles, doors etc….. I don’t!!
What I do love is what it’s able to do for me, my family and each of our investors. The cash flow and equity gives me comfort that my kids education will be looked after, (or at least half at the rate we’re going) I can start planning family vacations on the other side of the world, continue to build our business that educate our SHC investors, give hope to families that deserve to get into home ownership that have nowhere else to turn… the list can go on and on!!
You see, we’re not trying to build this business on having the best product in the industry…. it’s about the people, the level of service to you….. helping you get that much closer to your dreams.
The reason I’m on this subject is when you do finally decide to invest, you won’t get emotionally attached to the home you’re going to purchase. But to stay focused on….. does it cash flow, is it in a good location, will it increase in value over time and finally…….
the rewarding feeling you will get by helping a family that has moved into your home attain their dreams of home ownership one day.
This reminds me of a great saying by a great motivational speaker by the name of Zig Ziglar — ‘You can have everything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want’
This is not about home building but about goal setting and getting to where you want to be in life.
In closing, not only are you supported by us, but by the top professionals in the industry that we’ve learned from and continue to grow from each and every day.
Surrounding yourself with a great team of experts and mentors help pave the way to success that much easier.
So… in a nutshell and I say this with confidence. If real estate is not for you, that’s fine…. but find the vehicle that will allow you to do what you love.
So until next time make the Smart Choice.