Patiently Learning & Observing | Sharon & Clint

Sharon and Clint have been with us for a couple years now and have been patiently observing and learning the different aspects of Real Estate investing. Once they were comfortable with the strategy they wanted to move forward with, they strategically made their move and are now working on their next investment property. Here’s what they had to say;
It took us years to get to the point of purchasing our first investment property. No doubt all those hours of attending courses on purchasing real estate and psyching yourself up to take that first big step is a familiar one to many people. As part of a couple, my husband and I did not necessarily develop a level of comfort with taking on risk and debt at the same rate either. When we finally got there it was the year 2014 and the search for that perfect property had begun.
Thank God for Gary and Darlene Hibbert. Ever patient, they worked diligently with us to acquire that first property. But year-end was fast approaching and we still had not found the one my husband and I could agree on.
It would have been too disappointing for yet another year to go by without taking the plunge, so we decided that we were going to close on a property no matter what it took before the year was out.
Not only did we manage to do that in the nick of time (Dec 2014). Hurray! But we were able to agree on something that we were both comfortable with. We all breathed a sigh of relief (Darlene & Gary included). Clint and I were even recognized for our singular determination at the Smart Home Choice Christmas dinner last year.
As I went up to receive the award I felt a little embarrassed. Who does something like this anyway? Who sets a deadline to willingly take on hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt? Now that we have bought that first investment property, it is easy enough for me to answer that question. The answer is most people. But unlike the majority, only a few ensure that it is good debt. I was pleased that Clint and I had finally joined that elite few. We are now more than ready to take the plunge again at the first opportunity – hopefully this time it will not take us years!