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05 Feb

Porn Sites, 40 Week Boot Camp, Tax Time and Fast Start Training for 2015

We’re back and it’s been a crazy few weeks to get us to this point. Let me explain our BIGGEST headache that just got resolved earlier this week. The challenges when having your own business is never knowing when things are going to spiral out of control.
Just before Christmas we were about to release our latest Podcast on Wholesaling with 2 personal close friends (Kate and Sandy) when our server at our service provider (I won’t mention who) got hit with a virus that directed our followers to an inappropriate and very graphic website, and I do mean graphic.
As long as you accessed our website from your desktop computer, you were fine. The punch in the face was if you tried accessing from your mobile device….. POW full nudity! Not cool when you are trying to run a Real Estate investing company.
3 weeks of numerous calls, email exchanges and escalations with our service provider and nothing….  we were still a full fledged Porn Site. To finally resolve the issue we had to threaten them with talks of removing all of our services and moving to another provider before it was finally resolved.To add some icing on the cake, in the midst of our deepest despair, during a routine update to our Rent 2 Own site, we inadvertently deleted everything and had to start from scratch.
I mean everything was gone! Years of Blogs, content, material and important information deleted in the blink of an eye. Talk about wanting to crawl into a dark hole with no flashlight and never wanting to see the light of day ever again.
What a way to start 2015! I won’t even mention the other fires we’ve been trying to extinguish!As frustrating as this was, if it wasn’t for the continuous education, associating with the right people and having numerous mentors in our lives.. this would have warranted a throwing in of the towel. Instead, it strengthened us to push forward harder and with more determination to ensure 2015 will be one of the best years for us and the investors we work with each and everyday.

Now that I was able to get that off my chest, this is what we’ve been working on and will be rolling out for 2015;

  • Starting a BRAND NEW 40 week boot camp starting February 22nd
  • Brand NEW feel and look to our newsletters (thanks to Marina our website developer)
  • Lining up new guest and valuable material for our up coming Podcasts
  • Bus tour for investors scheduled for early spring
  • Lining up new Smart Choice Deals for our investors
  • Scheduling industry expert guests for our upcoming Mastermind events
One of the most important lesson’s I’ve learned is, ” you learn more from losing than you do winning.”
Here’s a question to think about.
If you were to run the length of the football field with no 350lbs linebackers trying to take you off your feet and smashing you to the ground, could you call it a touchdown? The answer is NO and that’s called life. You can’t win if there’s nothing for you to lose.
If anyone else had a rocky start to their 2015, I hope this helps to inspire you to keep pushing through no matter how difficult things may get.Until next time… Make The Smart Choice!

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